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Merit Resources: (509) 837-7700

Substance Use or Mental Health Crisis Line: 988

Serving Central Washington for Over 40 Years

Asesoramiento y evaluaciones de intervención

Intervention Counseling and Evaluations

Are you concerned substance use is causing problems for yourself or a loved one? MERIT offers intervention counseling and evaluations close to home. We understand addiction is a complex disease, providing individualized intervention and treatment in a respectful, comfortable, confidential setting. Our drug and alcohol treatment center offers many types of CARF accredited addiction therapy, including outpatient services with flexible scheduling and online and telehealth options. We serve individuals at all income levels, offering affordable addiction recovery services so you never have to worry about treatment costs preventing you from taking steps toward a brighter future.

Drug Intervention Counseling by Certified Intervention Professionals (CIP)

When you want to help someone struggling with addiction, our intervention services ensure those with substance use disorders understand they have support. Our addiction intervention specialists undergo rigorous training for this essential role. Intervention differs from therapy. CIPs are not therapists or doctors. MERIT performs substance abuse evaluations separately. Our intervention team is here to help you and your loved ones avoid the blame game and understand how you got to this point so you can find a path to a better life by making positive changes.

Our intervention specialists can get you the drug addiction treatment assistance you need, helping you make a plan, set boundaries, manage expectations, and track progress. Recovery is a long-term process, not a single intervention event. Done properly, with the service of a drug and alcohol treatment center where serving addicted individuals and their families is the focus, intervention should only be necessary once, followed by a professional evaluation and treatment plan.

Substance Abuse Evaluations

After intervention, we’ll perform a thorough drug and alcohol use assessment. This process may include online or written questions about your history of drug use and how it has impacted your relationships, health, work, legal status, or finances. Following this, you will meet with a certified substance abuse counselor to review this information. We understand questions may be uncomfortable, but we want to help, so honesty is essential to ensure the best treatment plan. Our staff may also request contact information to interview friends or family regarding your substance use. After a thorough evaluation, we’ll develop a personalized drug addiction treatment plan.

Drug and Alcohol Screening

If the courts or your substance abuse evaluation team deem it necessary, we may perform a drug and alcohol screening. This test identifies alcohol, prescription, and illegal drugs in the body, ensuring you get the precise help you need to ensure addiction recovery success. These screening results will guide counselors’ recommendations to the courts and upcoming treatment plans.

Substance Abuse Treatment Options

 After your addiction treatment services evaluation, we may recommend one of the following treatment options based on your diagnosis:

Rehabilitation for drug and alcohol dependent individuals

If diagnosed as dependent on drugs or alcohol, outpatient rehabilitation at MERIT will be recommended for a period of months to years, depending on your case.

Counseling for drug and alcohol abuse

We recommend counseling for those abusing drugs or alcohol for 6-12 months.

Mental health services

We may advise mental health services if you have underlying mental disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, or personality disorders.

Drug and alcohol school

For those who do not yet abuse or depend on drugs, we recommend attending drug and alcohol school to ensure you understand the dangers of alcohol and drug use.


If you require more intensive treatment, we may also recommend additional services such as medical detoxification, intensive outpatient, and other resources for those in need.

Get Drug Addiction Help for Yourself or a Loved One

Start the path to a better life with intervention counseling and evaluations at MERIT. Contact us at 877-789-3344 to learn more or to make an appointment at our Ellensburg, Kennewick, Pasco, Sunnyside, Toppenish, Wapato, or Yakima rehabilitation center today.

Reach Out for More Information

Get in touch with our kind and caring staff about treatment services and for more information about what we do. Steps to a brighter tomorrow start now.

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